Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Aboard

    2. Course Structure

    1. Stacking Up Real Estate Against other Investment

    2. Covering the Landscape of Common Real Estate Investments

    3. Opportunities in Real Estate

    4. Opportunities in Real Estate

    1. Sources of Capital

    2. Financing Your Property Purchases

    3. Shopping for and Securing the Best Mortgage Terms

    4. Property in Self-Managed Super Funds

    1. Location, Location, Value

    2. Preparing to Bid or Make an Offer

    3. Signing the Contract, Inspecting the Property

    1. LandLording 101

    2. Protecting Your Investment: Insurance and Risk Management

    3. Record Keeping and Accounting

    4. Tax Consideration and Exit Strategies

    1. Join our community here via WhatsApp Group

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content